Vol. 14 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Kanderang Tingang

Various issues in the world of education today are related to curriculum policies and the implementation of independent learning, the Covid-19 pandemic, problem and project based learning, HOTS learning, and other educational issues. This needs to be responded to by educational experts and practitioners as a step in transforming education for the realization of Superior Indonesian Human Resources (HR) who have Pancasila and Independence Student Profiles. In this issue of Volume 14 Number 1 of 2023, we invite students, teachers, lecturers and education practitioners to discuss issues related to the Ministry of Education and Culture's independent learning program and others. This requires various views and evaluations related to these policies, professional teachers who are able to educate and teach by utilizing problem- and project-based information and communication technology and HOTS, students are given the widest possible opportunity to learn and have the various competencies needed by society, creating a educational and learning environment that supports the implementation of independent learning, as well as designing relevant assessment systems to measure students' abilities, and so on.

Published: 2022-12-02
