Vol. 10 No. 2 (2019): Jurnal Ilmiah Kanderang Tingang

The Jurnal Ilmiah Kanderang Tingang Volume 10 Number 2 of 2019 this time was published with interesting articles. Topics of this article include: Quality of final semester assessment questions made by chemistry subject teachers. The ability of students to obtain and understand the concept of salt hydrolysis in learning using worksheet based learning discovery. Understanding the concept of nomenclature of binary and polyatomic compounds after learning using Worksheet-deductive and Worksheet-inductive. The difference in mastery of the work concept of the buffer solution of learning outcomes using Worksheet-inductive and Worksheet-deductive. Analysis of the suitability of the concept of atomic structure in the chemistry book class X High School against the revised edition syllabus 2013 curriculum and compilation of discourse macros. Analysis of the suitability of the concept of chemical bonds to the syllabus of the 2013 curriculum and compilation of discourse macros. The difficulty of students in understanding the concept of the effect of adding ion names to solubility. The effect of providing guidance on completing the exercise questions in direct learning on increasing understanding of the concept of limiting reagents. The effect of providing guidance on the completion of the exercise questions in direct learning on understanding the concept of pH calculation of acid buffer solution. The effect of giving the completion of the exercises in direct learning to understanding the concept of the mole. The effect of the use of PHET media assisted worksheets on understanding the concept of predicting molecular shapes.